Your institution is unique. Your security system should be, too. The experts at Lobo are first and foremost problem solvers. What security measures do you need? Where are your vulnerable points? Which systems suit your particular environment?
With 20 years of experience in a rapidly changing industry, Lobo has the expertise to evaluate security needs down to the finest detail. We produce plans to ensure peace of mind using a precise blend of creative problem solving, consultations, assessments, and testing. Our knowledge of the latest technology allows us to deliver a solution that meets your needs.
We pride ourselves on being independent consultants. Lobo has no direct affiliation with any specific manufacturer or contractor, which allows us to provide unbiased recommendations and optimal security designs for your space. Lobo is a team of close collaborators who share ideas, expertise, and solutions. We plan around what you need, and not just what’s easily available.
Let our leading security experts visit your site and start the process for your institution’s safety and well-being.